About Us
We are passionate about being part of a positive change in our community. We aim to empower communities through health, wellness, and contribution.
Meet the UNITED Team
Project UNITED is made up of three friends, and one wife. Originally conceived by Andrew Knight, he soon cunningly manipulated his Wife, Krystal, into playing a role, and from there, found support from two other friends, Alastair, and Stephen, all of whom bring a passion for “community” and long-term business experience with them.
We started Project UNITED in early 2015 and is ultimately a voluntary Not-For-Profit project we undertake to enable us to deliver health and wellness education and events in our community.
We all have our own day jobs, but commit ourselves voluntary to Project UNITED because it’s just something we want to do – to combine our resources and skills to provide a fundamental service to our community that isn’t currently being provided.
We raise money through the sales of our trigger point balls, and supply local health services businesses with wholesale pricing.
If you are interested in being involved with our team, by all means drop us a line. We’d love to hear from you – united@projectunited.com.au.
Our Skills
Each team member has upwards of 15 years experience in their relevant discipline and all bring significant value to the Project UNITED movement. It is certainly not easy running a Not-For-Profit venture around regular day jobs, but it certainly is satisfying.
Our Team
It’s certainly not easy, but completely worth it.

Andrew Knight Director
Andrew founded Project UNITED in 2015 and has been driving the cause ever since. A marketing specialist by day, Andrew runs his own strategic marketing consultancy, KnightRiley in Brisbane.

Krystal Knight Director
Krystal has been an insurance adviser, consultant, and trainer for more than a decade and was recently awarded Insurance Business Young Gun of the Year by Australia’s largest insurance brand.

Stephen Riley Director
Stephen has spent the last seven years of his career in management positions including more than four years as General Manager. Stephen is currently vCIO with a national brand and joined Project UNITED in 2016.

Alastair Lias Director
Alastair has spent a decade as General Manager for one of Australia’s largest real estate brands. Alastair joined Project UNITED in 2016 and still contributes despite spending his days travelling the country.
Our Mission
Our mission is to strengthen communities through wellness and contribution.
Our objective is to use the profits received from the sale of these items to conduct our own local events relating to the importance of health, wellness, happiness, community engagement and contribution – similar to the TED movement but with a health and wellbeing focus.
Project UNITED is a project built out of the desire to give back, rather than simply growing personal wealth. Our day-jobs afford us our lifestyles; Project UNITED is our way of contributing back to our community.
Our Motivation
We believe that the essence to a fulfilling life is through good health and community engagement, but this message is often diluted by profit-driven health brands that are concerned primarily with their balance sheet. Positive, consistent health and wellness information is becoming more and more blurred by sales agendas and market share pursuits. Project UNITED aims to give our community a bias free source of information. It is important to acknowledge that the Project UNITED team are spectacularly average human beings. No one is any more successful or talented than anyone else you will meet in your life. But using what we know and who we have met along the way, we can combine our resources and provide a service that we believe will provide value to those around us.
You are always welcome to drop us a line and ask questions or make suggestions. We welcome the feedback and hope at some point we see you at one of our events.
Our Supporters
We are lucky and privileged to receive ongoing support from the following businesses